Who's ready to book it back home!? I'm a little over halfway to that point. Recently I've started missing things a lot and I've labeled class as nothing more than a nuisance as of now. The only thing that's keeping me from being totally overcome by the prospect of going home is how much fun I'm having with the friends I've made here. I don't really want to leave them (does anyone ever?), especially because, I think, that it reminds me of first year... how many of my best friends at UVA are people that I met first year and hung out with throughout the years. The majority of my friends are in this state now, and through circles and common departments, that's how I project them to be living their lives for the next few years, and I can't help but be a little envious and sad that I won't be a part of that with them. I think the time that I've served here has been significant enough as to where I can safely say that returning to Japan in the future to see these friends again is a must, much like it was with me and my fellow HSD members (HSD is the program that I did that brought me to Japan about four years ago).
Other than that, I don't feel like I'll miss THAT much about Japan, honestly. Go see my list if you want... nothing really holds that much emotional attachment aside from the friends. It's amazing though, thinking about it now, how even the slightest things from home bring a flood of emotions. Mexican food? I attribute that to not only being awesome, but also to time spent with family and friends due to frequent visits and to the fact that I think that Mexican restaurants are a funny staple of Virginia Beach (and many other places, but MAN there are so many in Virginia Beach...!!!).
Anyway, I'm going to leave it at that and go practice for my jazz one-shot tomorrow. Have a lovely weekend, ladies and the-gents-who-may-read-this-without-us-knowing.