as my title states, i am present to wish everybody a wonderful NEW YEAR!!!! woot woot!!!
as to flights and other such matters, my father, who used to run a travel agency, is able to get me tickets to Japan on JAL or ANA for like $1,090 or so. i'm not sure if this is absolute or true yet because he tried to fax me the papers and my black ink cartridge is a bit wasted. i will see dem papers wen'z i hippity hop'z it hoooome'z. hahaha.
also, in referall to Natalie's question about visas and applications and all that. to my knowledge, we were all required to fill out the Certificate of Eligibility when we turned in our documents to accept our admission in Sophia. what follows next is lost to me, but supposedly they're supposed to contact us or something when we are able to retrieve our visas.
furthermore, greg, it seems like you'll be flying out of dulles. well, i find that prices and offerings are slightly better at reagan. also, a hint to all those who are flying, DO NOT PICK NEWARK AS A TRANSFER STOP!!!! EVER!!!!
Newark is like hell for transfers. All the people there are overworked and underpaid. They are also extremely short tempered due to the massive amounts of people passing through the airport. Construction is also a pain. Their security people are also muchos touchy. Pick ANYWHERE ELSE to transfer flights. I personally recommend Atlanta. I just like the airport there, it's really big and really clean.
Those are my two cents. *drops a couple pennies*
Oh yeah, Natalie, my picture of the post selection last time was actually about Saiunkoku. A more recent anime than Fushigi Yuugi. I recently got back into Fushigi and realized how freakin' old school it was. *sigh* Saiunkoku is my most recent addiction. It's about court life and the trials and tribulations of a poor high-blooded noble lady by the name of Kou Shuurei.
Jikan ga attara, zettai ni mitemite! Hontou ni omoshiroi kara!
Now, my next selection is.... *DUN DUN DUN*
This wonderful anime goes by Heroic Age. At first, it seems like another boring ole descendent of the whole Neogenesis Evangelion and Gundam ilk, but upon further viewing, it SUCKS YOU IN. Really good fun. I didn't watch all of it, mostly the beginning and end, but it's good times for all.