It looks like for individual days, if you're not staying for another full month, it's 2000 yen (about $18) a day, which is exactly how much our monthly rent divided by 30 is, so that's a pretty sweet deal =) Also, notice in the corner of one of the pictures... that's definitely a bed! This page also says payment/deposit must be made a month in advance, so I guess we need to get on that. But that was probably all in your handy housing materials I didn't get =P And guys, I don't wanna hear any laud voice during nighttime, you'll be nuisance to other tenants and neighbors. Come on.
Anyway, let's figure out what we're doing for serious on this flight and figure out a time maybe we can all meet up on aim or the phone and buy them at the same time so we're all on the same page and getting the right seats and all that jazz. Let's get this taken care of yo!
In other news, I'm in love with the dance crew Jabbawockeez. They're pretty much the coolest crew ever. I'm going to post their videos at the end of this, and you're all required to watch. The MTV page has full episodes! And Jen, if you search "Sophia University" in YouTube, there's aalll these hip hop dance groups performing at Sophia Fest (which unfortunately seems to be in the fall semester). Hopefully since there's a lot of foreign students in and out of there, we can join any club or circle we want? haha. I need to get flexible.
Jabbawockeez this week:
Jabawockeez last week:
Oh yeah.
That's awesome news that they have "extended stay" options, 'cause maybe that'll mean I can move in early... yay! Hopefully Chris knows about these things already... I did in fact e-mail him yesterday, but I probably won't hear anything until Monday... and if by Tuesday I don't, I'll go see him PERSONALLY.
So...Gregory...way to not answer anything about ticket-buying. I'm down for getting tickets very soon...my parents are even somewhat getting on my back about it (meaning my dad is sarcastically saying I want to wait until prices go up some more before making the purchase). And the latest we should be booking is a month before departure so...
It'd be easiest for me if, like the two of you meet on AIM and Greg can give me a call and we can go through the steps together. It's really a pain for me to get on AIM (through a browser since I don't have the program) and as Natalie may remember from last time, I kept getting disconnected. What about President's Day? I know Greg isn't working because school's off and then he's off to UVA Tues-Thur (which means we definitely won't get anything done hahaha). And I'll either be home or at Dan's house (actually Greg, maybe I'll be seeing you at some point...hopefully right?), but I think I can secure getting online either way.
haha my thoughts exactly jen..
I can do pretty much any day, except not before 6 (7 you guys' time) on weekdays cause I have work. Greg, is President's Day after 7ish good for you?
I skimmed this 'cause I have to go meet people downstairs, but I'm not going to be good for a ticket until I get answers from Chris. Otherwise, I'm down with United and down with getting them together.
Ok cool.
Firstly, I like how we have come to dominate the blog hahaha. Teresa where did you and your crazy fun posts go?!?!
Secondly, ok Greg, well hopefully he emails you back tomorrow and if not, do the BAM thing and see him in person Tuesday and then let us know what's up. If you can't manage to buy tickets while you're at UVA, then maybe Friday/this weekend for sure we can do this?? Just keep us posted! But you're good about that anyway.
By the way, I love these word verification things they give. They're so funny. 'awawto'
No problem! I can definitely arrange to do it at UVA, too... I'd just have to call my parents to tell them the uhhhhh 101 on how to ghost ride.
Chris has just forwarded the mail to his "contact".
You crazy...
So what exactly does all your housing info say about DK payment? All I know is that that site said rent needs to be wired to their account a month prior, which, if we're gonna be there on the 25th, is very very soon. Does your stuff have their account info for wire transfer?
It'd be really really awesome if someone wouldn't mind scanning and sending me the stuff you guys got, including like the school schedule and stuff like that.. I haven't gotten anything like that yet and I'm feeling pretty in the dark!
Shit, sorry, I had forgotten about that... I'm going to leave my dad a note to scan it and send it to me tonight and I'll get it right to you... I suck, I'm sorry...
By the way... is anyone else itching to make that 50th post? We're all just commenting here for rightful reasons, but that thing is staring me in the face...
Haha I didn't realize it would be the 50th... please go ahead and blog! I got a hilarious email I want to share, but it would be rude to blog twice in a row.
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