Friday, August 1, 2008


Hey... um... I don't know how you guys feel but... was I just in Japan for four months?

Integrating myself back home has taken no effort at all. It's really weird.


Jen said... too.

The one thing that gets me though is that I'm carless now, so I wish I could just pick up easily and head out to Shibuya or something. I wouldn't complain about the 15 min walk to the station! Promise!

Jeannette said...

i know! just got home and actually, i'm having a little bit of difficulty but only because i feel so cooped up. i wish i could just step out the door and hit the JR to ikebukuro or something. and oh man, what i wouldn't give for some yoshinoya and a crepe from harajuku.

ok, i'm having a lot of trouble... dou shiyou~!?