Sunday, February 10, 2008

Make that one of three

Hey all:

Like Natalie and Greg, I too have been working, reading, watching a lot of T.V. and not studying. I've read a couple of great books that I completely reccomed: Boomsday, Out Stealing Horses and Mysterious Skin. Top notch, all of them. When I'm not reading or sleeping I'm working. I work at this retail store called Charlotte Russe. It's pretty snazzy, my coworkers are cool if sometimes lazy and I get a 40% discount. I was going to get a second job working for this funeral parlor and the D.C./metro police to "remove" bodies, you know, to sort of put it on my resume as an example of someone who's not afraid to try new things or get her hands dirty. But, after watching a ton of Paranormal State on A&E, I decided against that. No need to bring the ghost of some murder victim home with me. Completely unnecessary.

Not much else to report. I do have a question though. What's the weather going to be like when we get to Japan? What kind of clothes should I pack, that is, spring clothes, or winter clothes or all summer wear? Will it really be the rainy season? Do I need Wellies? Plus, DK house: I don't know if you guys have looked at the pictures but there are conspicuously no beds in those pictures. Are we going to have fold out beds that you take out and put away? Thoughts?

And I did want to answer Jen's question about the blog project. You can definitely start your blogs now if you'd like, but a week or two before we leave is probably better since you'd have more to say about packing and such. As far as content goes, if you could focus on the process at first, the nitty gritty things that are tedious but need to get done (i.e. booking flights, packing, etc.) that would be good. Really, the blog should be a space where you can discuss any worries you have about the study abroad trip before we leave, problems you encounter when you get there and then awesome things you experience once there.

Hope everyone is enjoying their extended vay-kay.


Muuurgh said...

they can be vulgar, right...? people won't say: "hey! what's up with that one kid, you shouldn't have invited him! you're fired!" will they?

natalie said...

Haha greg.

Jeannette, we most definitely get beds =) I think they just happen to not be in any of the photos. They're in the floorplan and I think every site I've found about DK House ha "bed" listed as the included furniture. A mini-fridge too! I think I read that you can rent sheets from them for so many yen a month or buy them. It seemed like it was cheaper to buy them for how long we'll be there, but then what do you do with them after... souvenir sheets? I'd bring my own but it's extra luggage space and who knows what size their beds are..

Then again I guess the beds could be futons or whatever and they just don't explain that, hmm..

Jeannette said...

no worries i won't pull a donald trump on you. no one gets fired from the blog project.

yay for beds! i'm kind of addicted to sleeping. i think if you bought sheets you could always sell them back to other international kids or people traveling or something like that. you never know who might need them. i live in the IRC at uva and we have this room at the end of the year where people can put stuff to give away for those in need; maybe sophia has something similar.

Jen said...

Oh man, I don't know about this Paranormal State but I've seen Six Feet Under and enough CSI and shows like that to know I don't want to work with dead bodies. I'd be freaked out way too easily. That's super brave of you to even think about it...

And thank goodness for beds. I hadn't even noticed that in the pictures or whatever. I did see the renting/buying sheets dealio though. I'm sure we'll figure it all out.

As for weather...I've only been to Japan during the really hot/humid and really cold. Most of the time we'll be there, I'm pretty sure it will be very hot. But then I feel like April will be rain...or maybe April showers bring May flowers only in the U.S. We should ask someone Japanese. I don't have rain boots anyway, I figured if I end up missing things I can buy them, but I was gonna bring mainly summer clothes and layers, light jacket and stuff in case the weather does get a little crazy.

Thanks for answering my questions.

Man, why are my comments always so long?!