Friday, February 15, 2008


NO CURFEW IN THE DK HOUSE, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


natalie said...

haha woohoo!!
Hey, what all kinds of housing info did you guys get? Cause I really don't have anything.. just an "ok cool" email from DK House..

Jen said...

It was basically about moneys...all the different costs, how to wire it to them, and it talked about what the room includes. Oh and also the routes to school and how much we can pay for the student pass to take the different routes. Let's go for the one through Shinjuku, it's the cheapest anyway, and then we can stop at Shinjuku.

My dad saw the name and called it "Doctor House Wasabi". All that from DK House Warabi. And I almost told him it actually stood for Donkey Kong, but he seemed so set on "Doctor" and I don't think he knows who Donkey Kong is.