Sunday, March 16, 2008

blog project update

Hey ya....

Just a quick post before I have to go to a work meeting at 9 a.m. on a Sunday. Boo.

Here's a little update on the blog project. If you've listed a link to your blog I've added it to the main page. If you've listed a link and it's not there, please resend it to me and I'll add it. I'm going to e-mail the East Asian Studies department with the link to the blog project tomorrow so they can give it to their students. SO, it would be great if I could have everyone's link before then. I'm seeing some really good posts too, so keep up the good work everyone! Also, would anyone be willing to a) direct me to a great free image/illustrator program for macs or b) make a really cool banner for the destination: Asia home page?

It's a little more than two weeks everyone and I can't wait to be privy to all of your expert bedding shopping skills natalie/greg/jen. Now that all three of you and Teresa are on a flight together I kind of wish I wasn't traveling by my lonesome...

As for studying, way to rub it in Greg. Way to rub it in.

But I too have been studying and that thing is pretty good. So thanks for suggesting it Natalie!


teresa said...


you are up sickly early for a Sunday morning. ughness.

don't worry too much about studying miss genius. *wink* i'm positive you'll kill that placement exam.


i am so numbed

Muuurgh said...

guh, this means that I actually have to post something to do with actually preparing for the trip on mine.....!!! probably's gonna be about the lack of preparation.

Jen said...

Agh, well I'm really behind.
Okay well Jeannette, I've got a url and a title so far, though I haven't gotten around to posting anything so uh...put me at the bottom of your link list haha.
It's "Dooin' it...Tokyo-style" at

Sorry for taking so long! I'll definitely try to get in a post or two soon...

Muuurgh said...

definitely put it at the low end of mine ; )

natalie said...

oof, well, mine is

but there's no posts yet x_x i was shopping all day so.. maybe tomorrow evening!!

natalie said...

oh and i'd be totally up for making a cool banner sometime!

Muuurgh said...

Global economic recession? No problem for us!

"The currency market was also volatile on Monday in Asia, with the U.S. dollar falling as low as 95.76 yen, before rebounding to above the 99.00 level in the early afternoon on talk of possible joint governmental intervention to stop the slide."

That's from this morning in reference to some company called "Bear Stearns" sucking and being bought up. Here's the article if you want to read someone's writings who actually know what the hell they're talking about:

Muuurgh said...

It wouldn't fit in the small space, clearly : P

Jeannette said...

hey thanks for the links everyone! and natalie a banner wold be bomb-ass ... in a good way :)

ugh, that damn dollar. i'm not happy.

Jen said...

Hrm. That url didn't work for me. But anyway yeah...Bear Stearns is sucking. And it's funny cuz my dad just HAPPENED to buy some Bear Stearns stock last Friday for about $35 and today it was about $2 per. He kept laughing. And I was is that funny? And we both agreed that it's good he is no longer managing my money.

We'll work it out. We should start a business there...

Jeannette said...

アルバイト. that's all i'm saying.

Muuurgh said...

man, you guys can arubaito all you want. i've worked enough this break for the rest of my life.