Friday, February 29, 2008


So my G's, call Operation: Change Jen's Seat a success. I will be in 40G now. It was so fun/cute clicking on the empty seat because I saw the little people in the diagram in the 2 seats next to it and I totally envisioned Greg and Natalie there and giggled.

Let me know if you do want to stay at my house the night before our flight and head out from there or if you're going to Dulles directly. And if that's the case, we should plan out when exactly we'll meet, as the time nears.


natalie said...

Oh yes, Jen, I need to ask you a favor (at first I mistyped and called you Jem. It'd be truly outrageous if you were Jem.) I will definitely be taking up the offer for staying the night before leaving for Japan... but is there any chance I could also stay the night when we return? I'm not sure if I'll have it in me to make another flight back to St. Louis after 14 hours from Japan x_x so I'm thinking of getting my flight back home on August 1st. I don't want to crash on your welcome-back family time though!! There's a chance that Nick will be doing an internship in Cville or Richmond and could come get me too, so that's a possible option as well!

Congraats on the seat change! We're gonna totally rule that plane! I also enjoyed the little people symbols, hehe. I was like.. there's Greg! *scoots over* The sannin have completed yet another mission..

natalie said...

Ok Kids, Mr. House confirms:

The beds are:
100W X 200(D) x 45(H)cm

Please send us your cargo at

DK House Warabi.
2-32-5 Minami-cho, Warabi city Saitama Pre.
S. Uzuki


Muuurgh said...

Are you sure it's not DR. House...?

And yes, I think I will stay with you Jen.


And, if you are down with post-Japan sleepover...

Muuurgh said...

oh, and that is pretty darn cute XD

OH, and as far as I know, there's only ONE G in this group! unless you count your plane seat which clearly has my name on it

Jen said...

Hurrah again!

So of course you guys are welcome for a post-Japan sleepover! That sounds like so much fun! much being groggy and jetlagged together! Yeah...I totally can't imagine taking another flight right after that oooor driving 3 hours home. And don't worry, you won't be crashing on my welcome-back family time because normally when I get home from traveling I say hi to my parents and go to my room. Woo! I'm pretty excited, I anticipate pre-trip us being super duper excited and trying not to think of things we may have forgotten to pack haha. I mean, not that it will be a huge problem for me, since we'll be at my house XD. Have no fear! Packing is another thing we will tackle together! And then post-trip we'll probably be super exhausted and pass out immediately. So yay, I will announce to the parents these plans. Hope it's okay if we hang out in the basement, we don't have guest rooms set up or anything, but we'll make it work, promise!

Thanks for the useful info again Natalie from DR. House!

Gregory! Say wha! How does my seat have your name on it? I'm pretty sure you're mistaken.

Jen said...

Aw, I totally meant to sign that comment 'Jem'.
